MicrOTOF-Q III demonstrates the best performance standard in its class, with the following main features:
- Mass range: 20 – 40.000 m/z;
- Mass accuracy: 1 - 2 ppm RMS Error;
- Mass resolution: 20.000 (FWHM) at LC-speed;
- Advanced temperature compensation;
- Up to 40 Hz Acquisition rate (2GSample/sec sampling rate);
- Low picogram sensitivity;
MicrOTOF-Q III presents excellent performance parameters, either mass accuracy, resolution or sensitivity, which aim to provide a more complete view of the sample to be analyzed. Specific softwares for each research area allow the micrOTOF-Q III to be a complete equipment, being able to act in the most diverse areas of research, be it in routine confirmation of formulas, advanced screening and identification or analysis of intact proteins and biopharmaceutical analyzes. The micrOTOF-Q III presents as general characteristics:
- SmartFormula3D, the unique combination of accurate mass and true isotopic pattern of both, parent and fragment ions;
- Wide dynamic range for ultra-stable accurate mass;
- High-transmission dual ion funnel Q-q-front end;
- Integrated LC-MS/MS control and data processing;
- Compass OpenAccess: Walk-up LC-MS chemical formula generation;
- MetaboliteTools™ – metabolite and impurity identification;
- TargetAnalysis™ – multi-target compound screening;
- ProfileAnalysis™ – LC-MS based profiling and label-free quantitation;
- ProteinScape™ – the bioinformatics platform;