Metabolomics is a qualitative and quantitative study of metabolites produced by biological systems. These compounds include polyketides, shikimate derivatives, coumarin, aliphatic compounds, phenols, esters, quinones, lactones, lignans, terpenes, steroids, alkaloids and peptides. Mass spectrometry (MS) offers an excellent combination of sensitivity and selectivity that is indispensable in metabolomics studies. Modern MS provides highly specific chemical information that is directly related to the chemical structure, such as accurate mass, isotope distribution pattern for elemental formula determination, and characteristic fragment-ions for structural elucidation or identification via spectral matching to authentic compound data. Moreover, the high sensitivity of MS allows detection and measurement of picomole to femtomole levels of many primary and secondary metabolites.
Food and safety chemistry
Food pesticides residues became an emerging problem worldwide. Anvisa (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency) has realized pesticides analysis program in food of plant origin. In 2012, more than 1300 samples were analyzed in which 75% were considered satisfactory, and 25% unsatisfactory, by contain residue of products not authorized, or authorized, but in concentration above to the Maximum Residue Levels (MRL). LaCem research group aims to development new methodology based on ambient ionization techniques (e.g. DESI, LTP, PSI and Leaf Spray) coupled with mass spectrometry to analyze pesticides in food.